Project 4

C–C bond forming reactions with CO2 using Lewis acidic zeolite catalysts (WP1)

Host institution: Haldor Topsoe (HT), Denmark
Deadline for application: 30th April 2020
3 PhD year position. Expected start date: Mid 2020.
Remember to read the eligibility criteria here.


  1. Synthesize different non-precious Lewis acidic zeolites and determine their Lewis acid strength spectroscopically using probe molecules and CO2
  2. Test zeolites in reactions involving C–C bond formation between glycolaldehyde and CO2
  3. Determine correlation between Lewis acid strength and C–CO2 bond forming activity
  4. Optimize the catalytic system for the aim of making C3+ carboxylic acids using CO2

Expected Results:

  1. Proof-of-concept for C–CO2 bond forming reactions catalyzed by Lewis acidic zeolites
  2. Improved synthesis procedures for Lewis acidic zeolites having different Lewis acid strength
  3. Insights into the ability of Lewis acids to activate CO2 and be employed in industrial production of chemicals
  4. Novel insights into use of glycolaldehyde as a sustainable starting material in industry

Planned secondments:

ESR4 has its daily work at the industrial site HT, and will therefore have two academic secondments.

  • AU to Prof. Skrydstrup (3 months): 119-Sn NMR of tin-containing zeolites to determine the position of the active tin in the zeolite framework. This will be used as input for the computational modelling of the reaction.
  • UIO to Dr. Nova and Prof. Cascella (3 months): Computational modelling of the reactivity of glycoaldehyde and CO2 in zeolites of different acidities (with ESR10)
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Enrolment in Doctoral degree(s): ESR4 will have the daily work at Haldor Topsoe, Denmark, but will be formally enrolled at Aarhus University, Denmark.

Principal Supervisor: Dr. Esben Taarning (HT)

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