Last Friday, the whole ITN met with our Project Officer from the Research Executive Agency ?? (REA). While the term “Mid-Term Check” may seem like we are halfway through, it is slightly deceiving as the purpose of the meeting was mostly to ensure that the recruitment and welcoming of our ESRs went well. We are happy to say that despite the pandemic, which broke out one month after the start of the project, we managed to recruit almost all of ESRs- the three that have not started will hopefully be able to travel to their new countries of residence soon. The REA Officer was also able to give us tips for improving our digital networking, and we can’t wait to try some of her ideas!
We also took the opportunity to meet without the REA Officer on the day before, for some updates and a session about career development for our ESRs. The latter consisted of group activities and presentations from several speakers who told us about their career paths. Their main message: be ready to take the opportunities that are offered to you and stray from your plans!