C–C bond forming reactions with CO2 using Lewis acidic zeolite catalysts (WP1)
Host institution: Haldor Topsoe (HT), Denmark
Deadline for application: 30th April 2020
3 PhD year position. Expected start date: Mid 2020.
Remember to read the eligibility criteria here.
- Synthesize different non-precious Lewis acidic zeolites and determine their Lewis acid strength spectroscopically using probe molecules and CO2
- Test zeolites in reactions involving C–C bond formation between glycolaldehyde and CO2
- Determine correlation between Lewis acid strength and C–CO2 bond forming activity
- Optimize the catalytic system for the aim of making C3+ carboxylic acids using CO2
Expected Results:
- Proof-of-concept for C–CO2 bond forming reactions catalyzed by Lewis acidic zeolites
- Improved synthesis procedures for Lewis acidic zeolites having different Lewis acid strength
- Insights into the ability of Lewis acids to activate CO2 and be employed in industrial production of chemicals
- Novel insights into use of glycolaldehyde as a sustainable starting material in industry
Planned secondments:
ESR4 has its daily work at the industrial site HT, and will therefore have two academic secondments.
- AU to Prof. Skrydstrup (3 months): 119-Sn NMR of tin-containing zeolites to determine the position of the active tin in the zeolite framework. This will be used as input for the computational modelling of the reaction.
- UIO to Dr. Nova and Prof. Cascella (3 months): Computational modelling of the reactivity of glycoaldehyde and CO2 in zeolites of different acidities (with ESR10)
Enrolment in Doctoral degree(s): ESR4 will have the daily work at Haldor Topsoe, Denmark, but will be formally enrolled at Aarhus University, Denmark.
Principal Supervisor: Dr. Esben Taarning (HT)
Questions? Write to us at co2perate@uit.no.