Efficient Methods for CO2 Conversion to CO and PET labelling of pharmaceuticals (WP3 and WP4)
Host institution: Aarhus University (AU), Denmark
Application Deadline: 1st April 2020
3 PhD year position. Expected start date: Mid 2020.
Remember to read the eligibility criteria here.
- Investigate water soluble electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction and investigate their efficiency for forming CO
- Develop effective transition metal complexes based on first row metals, such as nickel, for trapping of CO2 and for studying the conversion to aliphatic amides and ketones via C–C and C–N bond formation
- Apply the developed methodology in PET 11C-labelling of pharmaceuticals containing an alkyl amide or ketone motifs or derivatives thereof, including low molecular weight molecules, and biomolecules such as peptides/proteins
Expected Results:
- Efficient, simple and reliable procedure for converting CO2 to carbon monoxide
- New methodology for preparing 11C–labelled pharmaceuticals containing aliphatic amide motifs
- Demonstration of PET-labelling of peptides and proteins
Planned secondment(s):
- Industrial secondment to AZ to Dr. Elmore and Dr. Ericsson (3 months): Isotopic labelling of industrially relevant pharmaceuticals (with ESR12).
- ICIQ to Prof. Martin (3 months): Examine alternative methods for the development of labelled pharma-ceuticals containing aliphatic amide motifs, via direct carboxylation with CO2 and then amide formation (with ESR1).
Enrolment in Doctoral degree(s): Aarhus University, Denmark
Principal Supervisor: Prof. Troels Skrydstrup (AU)
Questions? write to us at co2perate@uit.no